Home energy storage kits

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Home energy storage kits

Our home energy storage kits are designed for ease of installation and reliable operation, making them an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced professionals. We focus on providing products that not only maximize energy consumption in our customers' homes, but also provide additional safety thanks to the emergency power function. We invite you to familiarize yourself with our offer, which will allow you to benefit from your own, independent solar power plant in your home.


Maximizing the Use of Produced Energy. Our "Energy storage kits for home" are designed to make the most of every ray of sunlight. Thanks to advanced energy storage technologies, energy produced during the day, when the sun shines brightest, is efficiently stored in batteries. This means that even after the sun goes down, you can still use solar energy to power your home appliances without having to draw power from the grid.

This solution not only increases your energy independence, but also allows you to significantly reduce your electricity bills. In the face of rising energy prices, the ability to store and use your own solar energy becomes an invaluable asset. Thanks to our sets, you can enjoy stability and predictability of home maintenance costs, regardless of external market factors.

Moreover, by using solar energy, you contribute to reducing the emission of harmful greenhouse gases. Our systems are not only good for your wallet, but also for the environment. By investing in energy storage kits, you are choosing a future in which renewable energy plays a key role.

Comparison of Sets with Energy Storage and Sets with UPS Function

  1. Energy Storage Sets: These kits are an ideal solution for households that want to maximize the use of the solar energy produced. By storing excess energy produced during the day, they enable it to be used in the evening and at night, which significantly increases the efficiency of the system. This is an economical solution that allows you to significantly reduce your dependence on the power grid and reduce your electricity bills.
  2. Sets with UPS Function: In addition to all the advantages of energy storage kits, these kits offer the additional function of UPS emergency power. In the event of a power outage, the system automatically switches to battery power, ensuring continuity of power for home appliances. This is an ideal solution for places where network failures occur frequently or for people for whom uninterrupted access to energy is crucial.

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

Is the installation of energy storage kits complicated?

Our kits are designed with ease of assembly in mind. We include detailed step-by-step instructions that make installation easy even for people with no technical experience. We also offer technical support for those who need additional help.

What are the benefits of having a set with UPS mode?

Kits with UPS mode provide additional energy security. In the event of a network failure, the system automatically switches to battery power, ensuring continuity of power for essential devices. This is an ideal solution for areas with unstable network access or for those who want to ensure that their devices will work without interruption.

How long do batteries store energy?

The energy storage time depends on the battery capacity and household energy consumption. Our systems are designed to store enough energy for evening and nighttime use in a typical home.

Do the sets require regular maintenance?

Photovoltaic sets require minimal maintenance, mainly consisting of keeping the panels clean. Regularly checking and cleaning your panels ensures their optimal performance. If necessary, our technical service is available to help keep your system in top condition.

Can I expand my set in the future?

Yes, our systems are modular and expandable. You can add additional panels or batteries to increase power and energy storage capacity as your energy needs increase.

You have not found a photovoltaic kit / solar power plant that meets your needs, write to us, info@pvgroup.pl

All sets of solar power plants entitle you to the "My Electricity" subsidy and to apply for a thermomodernization relief.

Photovoltaic sets designed and prepared by PVGroup.pl contain all the necessary elements: appropriate rails and connectors, roof holders, clamps, the latest photovoltaic panels, inverters, lightning arresters and cables.

Who can install the power plant? click here.

tel .: + 48 516 758 217 info@pvgroup.pl

Step by step solar farm and documentation click here.

Safety guarantee - TUV certificate

Tuv pvgroup.pl

Are you an installer and looking for wholesale prices for photovoltaic sets? Write to us at wholesale@pvgroup.pl

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