Flat roof structures

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A specially designed offer for those who plan a photovoltaic installation on flat roofs. Our flat roof structures are the ideal solution, ensuring maximum use of roof space and optimizing the efficiency of solar panels.

  1. Variety of Layouts: We offer structures in various layouts - vertical, horizontal and east-west - to meet different requirements and preferences regarding the direction and angle of inclination of the panels. This makes it possible to effectively use both morning and afternoon sunlight.
  2. Ballast Loaded and Invasive Structures: Depending on roof requirements and conditions, customers can choose between ballast-loaded structures, which do not require penetration of the roof surface, or invasive structures, which provide additional stability. Both types of structures are designed to ensure safe and durable installation of the panels.
  3. Strength and Durability: Our flat roof structures are made of the highest quality materials, resistant to corrosion and weather conditions. They guarantee long-term efficiency and safety of the installation.
  4. Ease of Assembly: We provide detailed installation instructions and technical support, which makes the installation process simple and effective, even for people without experience in installing photovoltaic systems.

By choosing flat roof structures from our offer, you can be sure that your photovoltaic installation will not only be efficient, but also safe and durable, which is key when investing in green energy.

Safety guarantee - TUV certificate

Tuv pvgroup.pl

Questions? Contact:

info@pvgroup.pl , phone:

+48 (516)758 217

+48 (737)185 830

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